Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Latest Episodes

Ep. 235 – Smart Food: Beets
April 21, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Today Dr. Trayford shares Brain Training tip number 235. Beets are so healthy for your body. They help lower cholesterol, boost stamina, fight inflammation and contain anti-cancer properties!

Ep. 234 – Time for a New Pillow?
April 20, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain Training tip number 234 is to consider doing something to assure the quality of your sleep. Let’s talk about your pillow! Pillows play a huge role on how well … Continue reading →

Ep. 233 – Fill Your Workspace With Personal Items
April 19, 2016

Good morning listeners! Welcome to Episode 233. where Dr. Trayford is here to share a great tip to help us be more productive and fulfillment at work. He encourages us to fill our workspace with personal items. Having pictures or … Continue reading →

Ep. 232 – How Do I Prepare for an Intensive Brain Training Program?
April 18, 2016

Good morning listeners! Happy Monday and welcome to Episode 232. Today Dr. Trayford tells us exactly how to prepare for an Intensive Brain Training Program. Because brain training can be intensive and requires time and resources you need to be … Contin...

Ep. 231 – Know Your Numbers: ApoE
April 17, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain Training tip number 231 is to take a closer look at your Apolipoprotein E. It is a great indicator of cardiovascular disease and a predictor of dementia. Thanks for … Continue reading →

Ep. 230 – Think Twice About Monitoring Baby’s Every Move
April 16, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain Training tip number 230 is to think about NOT using the video baby monitors. Babies already contribute to less sleep in parents. Watching baby’s every move is not healthy … Continue reading →

Ep. 229 – Brain Calisthenics: Grouping Recall Exercise
April 15, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain Training tip number 229 is to try a brain stretching activity. Try to group as many things as you can within a certain category in 30 seconds to one … Continue reading →

Ep. 228 – Music Calms the Savage Beast
April 14, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain Training tip number 228 is to utilize music to help relieve stress. Listening to music is very therpeutic and it can help generate Alpha brain wave activity. Music can … Continue reading →

Ep. 227 – Tai Chi for a Bigger Brain
April 13, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Tai Chi is one of the most common forms of physical therapeutic exercise. Practicing Tai Chi can make improvements to brain volume and psychological tests, so it is a beautiful … Continue reading →

Ep. 226 – Grow a Garden to Sharpen Your Mind
April 12, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Brain training tip number 226 will work wonders, if you enjoy gardening that is. Gardening can help manage stress if it is something that you enjoy. If it is just … Continue reading →
