Train Better

Train Better

Latest Episodes

Episode 4: Interview with Jason Swett, coder and trainer
February 21, 2019

Interview with Jason Swett, developer and trainer. How did he get into training? What's it like to work with a training company? How do you deal with problems and failures when training? You can read more about him at

Episode 3: Knowing vs. Teaching
April 24, 2018

Do you need to be an expert in order to teach? Yes, but that's not sufficient. There's a lot more to teaching a topic than just being an expert. In this episode, I talk about "content knowledge" vs. "pedagogical content knowledge," and how you can improv

Episode 2: Training managers, your real clients
April 24, 2018

As a trainer, it's easy to think that your clients are your students. Not true! An intro to training managers, who they are, and how you can and should think about them.

Episode 1: Welcome, and my background in training
April 23, 2018

Intro to the podcast: Who am I, and what is this podcast about?