

Latest Episodes

Episode 88 Traditional Archers of Nevada
July 01, 2019

In this episode we talk with Tom Huebner and Chris Jasmine of the Traditional Archers of Nevada. These guys got together with some of their buddies and started a traditional organization in Nevada!! They have put in a ton of work to help grow tradition...

Episode 87 Silvertip with Bob Windauer
June 22, 2019

In this episode we talk about the legend Paul Schafer with the man that wrote the book on him, Bob Windauer. Paul Schafer was a man bigger than life and this book lets us get to know him. We get to know Bob and his family that carry on the legendary Si...

Episode 87 Silvertip with Bob Windauer
June 21, 2019

In this episode we talk about the Legendary Paul Schafer with the man that wrote the book on him, Bob Windauer.  Enjoy some great stories about Paul and get to know Bob and his family that now builds the legendary silvertip bow,

Episode 86 Wacey Arthur Tradlife in Alberta
May 24, 2019

In this episode we sit down with Wacey Arthur of Alberta. We talk bowhunting social media, wolves moose etc. Wacedog as he is called up north was a blast to talk to and one heck of a bowhunter!! And if your ever up for a laugh check out his Instagram p...

Episode 85 Jim Willems Pope and Young Club
May 04, 2019

In this episode we sit down and talk with the Pope and Young Club president Jim Willems. We hit the hot topics in bowhunting such as technology and the future of bowhunting. We also talk some bowhunting as Jim is a very accomplished traditional bowhunt...

Episode 84 Allen Clark The Adventurous Bowmen
April 26, 2019

In this episode we talk with Allen Clark. Allen has a goal of hunting every state with the stick bow and so far has hunted in 41. Allen shares a lot of good tips on researching new areas along with some good hunting stories.

Episode 83 Mike Barrett The Mule Deer Hunter
April 13, 2019

In this episode we talk mule deer with the master Mike Barrett!! Mike is an absolutely incredible bowhunter!!! Mike has takes 37 P&Y class mule deer with a stickbow, along with 19 P&Y bull elk also! And the incredible part is Mike is a blue collar carp...

Episode 82 Brian Koelzer High Desert Mule Deer
April 03, 2019

In this Episode we talk again with Brian Koelzer, but this time we talk about spot and stalk mule deer!! Brian is an incredible hunter, listen close to this one and you will pick up some pick great tips!

Episode 81 DJ Zor Bowhunting Javelina and Coues Deer
March 25, 2019

In this episode we talk with our good buddy DJ Zor about bowhunting Javelina and Coues deer in the desert.  A great public land DIY hunt, Dj runs down the basics on how to go about your first Javelina adventure!

Episode 80 Bill McConnell, Primitive Bowhunting and Tracking
March 14, 2019

In this episode we talk to Bill McConnell of Bozeman Montana. Bill has been bowhunting with primitive equipment for 25 years. He runs a wilderness survival school and has spent an incredible amount of his life learning the lost art of bowhunting and tr...