Traditional Outdoors Podcast: Preserving our Outdoor Traditions

Traditional Outdoors Podcast: Preserving our Outdoor Traditions

T.O. Episode 138 – Another Buck, Another Obstacle

December 16, 2022

Episode 138 finds me with mixed emotions. I recently tagged out on bucks in Georgia. However, both bucks I have taken in GA with my longbow were not perfect shots. The second buck was taken on 12/04/22 and the shot was a lot further back than I wanted. I ended up not tracking that buck and waited for 12 hours and then picked up his track with the help of a tracking dog. We found the buck just over 200 yards away but I would have much preferred a quicker, and cleaner kill. It happens to all bowhunters, we don’t like it but it just will happen if you shoot at enough critters. In this episode I share the hunt with you, my approach to recovery and details about what went wrong.

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