Trading Justice

Trading Justice

Latest Episodes

Trading Justice 357: Option Trades on Earnings
January 20, 2020

Welcome to Episode 357 of the Trading Justice Podcast! In this episode, we welcome to Tyler Craig to discuss option strategies with a deep dive into straddles. Whenever earnings season comes around, many options traders break out their options...

Trading Justice 356: Teri Ijeoma
January 13, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Teri Ijeoma to the podcast.  Teri started her professional career in education, and transitioned to trading to pursue her goals to travel and stay at home to work.  Listen in as Coach Tim interviews Teri about her...

Trading Justice 355: Tackle 25 2020
January 06, 2020

In this episode, Matt and Tim discuss the Tackle 25 release for 2020.  Each year, the coaches at Tackle Trading build their watch lists for the Tackle 25.  This list serves as a candidate list to trade Covered Calls, Naked Puts and other...

Trading Justice 354: 2020 Predictions
December 30, 2019

In this episode, the boys are back to make their predictions for 2020.  One of our favorite traditions on the show is to project what we think could happen in the next year when we get to the beginning of a new year.  What will happen in the...

Trading Justice 353: 2019 Predictions Year End Review
December 23, 2019

In this episode, all of the coaches of Tackle Trading join us to review the predictions they made to start the year.  In ep. 302, Coach Matt, Tim, Noah and Gino gave their predictions on what they thought would happen in Stocks, Gold, FAANG...

Trading Justice 352: The Boomerang Trade Revisited
December 16, 2019

In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss the Boomerang Trading Strategy.  A powerful strategy for cash flow, the Boomerang Trade involves selling naked puts on stocks and ETF's that a trader is willing to own, collecting credits, and then if...

Trading Justice 351: Lane Mendelsohn
December 09, 2019

In this episode, Lane Mendelsohn from Vantage Point Software joins us for a conversation about trading, software, artificial intelligence and more.  Lane Mendelsohn, President of Vantagepoint AI, has been involved in the financial industry for...

Trading Justice 350: Managing Call Options
December 02, 2019

In this episode, Coach Emily, Noah, Mark and Tim discuss how to manage call options in the Covered Call, Poor Boys Covered Call and Bear Call Spread strategies.  Entering a good trade is easy, managing a trade to profit is the hard part. ...

Trading Justice 349: Types of Traders
November 25, 2019

In this episode, we discuss the different styles of traders including Delta, Theta and Vega.  Trading well requires rules.  Every trader needs to build a playbook with rules, and a style that fits their objectives, capital and personal...

Trading Justice 348: Silvia Cooke
November 18, 2019

In this episode, we welcome Silvia Cooke to the podcast to discuss trading, mindset, her journey through two decades of market conditions and more during our feature presentation.  Silvia is a trader, a coach, an investor and someone who has been...