Trademark Belfast

Trademark Belfast

Latest Episodes

Colombia, Ireland and a Neo Liberal Peace
July 23, 2020

Talking to friend and compañera, Mariela Kohon (Trades Union Congress International Officer) and formerly of Justice for Colombia about the Colombian and Irish peace processes and the political economy of peace building (Only scratched the surface, a seco

Apple Tax - "We don't pay taxes, taxes are for the little people"
July 16, 2020

Trademark talking to  about the Apple Tax decision and pulling on the Green Jersey for Ireland!

"If you fight you won't always win, but if you don't you'll always lose" - Talking with comrade Alex Gordon RMT
July 10, 2020

A discussion about the history and the potential of organised labour in Ireland and Britain with guest Alex Gordon, train driver, former president  of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Worker's Union (RMT) and Trustee of the Marx Memorial Library.  Also wi

Working Class Education and the Old Mole of History
July 03, 2020

Talking with Dr Paul O Connell of SOAS London who suggests that if we are to  rise up and break through the crust of the earth and overthrow this system then  we need to embrace the notion of serious, hard, underground, messy, long-term politica

Hegemony - Ideology as 'common sense'
June 26, 2020

Trademark is today joined by Dr Steve Baker, former shop steward in the Transport and general Workers Union, now Lecturer in Film and TV at the University of Ulster to talk about all things hegemonic....

A Worker's Guide to Historical Capitalism - Part 8
June 19, 2020

2008 - 2020 The  last in our current series that takes us beyond the Global Financial Crash to look at the lies behind austerity, quantitative easing, privatization and the reconstitution of class power.

'Beatings will continue until morale improves' - The EU and its response to the Covid crisis
June 11, 2020

Trademark talks to Emma Clancy, advisor to Die Linke (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament about the EUs 'response' to the biggest global crisis since.....ever.... More from Emma here: https://www.guengl.

A Worker's Guide to Historical Capitalism - Part 7
June 05, 2020

A discussion on the characteristics of neo-liberal capitalism, the 'enemy' within, the myth of the small state, the dominance of finance capital and the Global  Financial Crash of 2008. 

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" - Trademark talking to Comrade Conor McCabe
May 28, 2020

Talking pandemics, austerity 2.0, government formation talks in the Republic of Ireland, youth radicalism & resistance, building a movement. {Conor McCabe, Author of  'Sins of the Father, Tracing the decisions that shaped the Irish economy',  an economic

A Worker's Guide to Historical Capitalism - Part 6
May 21, 2020

The End of Bretton Woods, Chile 9/11, the neo-liberal turn and Thatcher!