Trademark Belfast

Trademark Belfast

Latest Episodes

63. WTF is the Stock Market? - Episode 1
August 13, 2021

A new series of pods delving into the history of the #StockMarket, bonds, stocks, buy-backs, big bangs,  short-selling, derivatives, currency and anything else we can think of with Stewart McGill, Sean Byers and Stiofán Ó Nualláin.

62. The Global Attack on Protest and Dissent
July 09, 2021

With the School of Anti Racism London, we talk about the slide into authoritarianism and fascism and the global crackdown on protest and dissent with Victoria Sandino FARC senator, Emanuelle Andrews of Liberty,  Ben Jamal of the Palestine Solidarity

What's green in Ireland?
June 25, 2021

Listen here to Conor McCabe, activist and writer talking Irish capitalism, climate action and greenwashing.  (Conor has uploaded his presentation from last night to

Magic Money Tree and the lie of austerity
June 11, 2021

As part of Belfast and District Trades Council's May Day Programme, Trademark's Stiofán Ó Nualláín gives a take on the Magic Money Tree, MMT and why it's not quite socialism. 

Observe the sons of Ulster...
May 28, 2021

Seán Byers talks to Claire Mitchell and podcast regular Dr Stephen Baker about all things Unionism and Loyalism and the challenges facing an identity and political movement that is more British than the British.  

How fascism won the internet
April 02, 2021

A discussion with Nolan McGregor  ( and Clem Ó Brolchain ( on how fascism won the internet and why the left needs to get its finger out, sharpish.

Latin America and the useful idiots of Imperialism
March 13, 2021

Joined today by independent journalist and latina activist @UrbanNathalia and @Phil_Kelly_ from the Cuba Ireland Solidarity Forum (@CubaIreSol) to talk about imperialism in Latin America and its useful idiots.

Alternative Ulster?
February 27, 2021

A tough one this, our first podcast since the passing of our friend and comrade Mel Corry on January 13th from Covid-19. But as Mel would absolutely have it, "Don't mourn, organise!" We're joined by his friends Tommy McKearney, author and activist and Dr

The Year in Review - 2020
January 10, 2021

Mel Corry talks to trade unionist Dooley Harte, Alliance for Choice and trade union activist Naomi Connor and Trademark and Belfast Cleaning Coop's Alice McLarnon about the year that was 2020.

CETA and the logic of capital accumulation
December 19, 2020

Trademark talks to Dr Paul  O Connell (of SOAS & The Political Education Project @PoliticalEdPoj)  about the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).