Trademark Belfast

Trademark Belfast

Latest Episodes

112. Marxism in the Revolutionary Period
February 29, 2024

Conor McCabe talks with Stiofn Nuallin about some of the Marxist writings of the revolutionary period in Ireland.

111. The Coming Storm
February 16, 2024

A chat with Professor John Barry and Dr Amanda Slevin about what the future holds as we head past 2 degrees global heating above pre-industrial levels and what that means for human civilisation and life support systems...

110. The Political Economy of 2024
January 31, 2024

The usual suspects talking the geopolitics of US imperialism, Germany, China and the ongoing genocide in Palestine...

109. An Anthology of Irish Marxism Part 2
December 15, 2023

Sitting down with Dr Conor McCabe for another look at at Irish Marxist writings, this time from the 20th century....(coming soon to a decent bookshop near you and definitely not on Amazon)

108. The Rise of the Extreme Right - La montée de l'extrême-droite
November 24, 2023

A talk given by Trademark at UNI IndustriALL Trade Union conference on the rise of the extreme right in Marseilles 13.11.23

107. Economic Myths Debunked
November 13, 2023

A chat with Stewart McGill about his latest publication, 10 economic myths debunked with regulars Sen Byers and Stiofn Nuallin

107. Economic Myths Debunked
November 10, 2023

A chat with our regular contributor Stewart McGill about his new publication on de-mystifying economic myths and general bullshit around orthodox economics...with Seán Byers and Stiofán Ó Nualláin

106. The State of Capitalism - Costas Lapavitsas
October 28, 2023

Costas Lapvitsas, Marxist, economist and politician talking at Scoil Chois Cla 2023 on the island of Inis Orr Co. Galway and giving a superb analysis on the transformation of global capitalism and the threat of imperialism, whose depredations we are bei

105. Militarisation and the drive to war
October 06, 2023

Clare Daly giving a rip roaring opening talk at the festival 'Scoil Chois Cla 2023' on Inis Orr, Co. Gaillimhe. Bainig sult as!

104. Scoil Chois Claí 2023
September 21, 2023

Stiofn Nuallin talks to Dr Sen Byers and Dr Mdb MCDaid about their first reflections on the Leftbloc Festival 'Scoil Chois Cla' on the island of Inis Orr, Co Gaillimhe.