What Would Tracee Sioux Do?

What Would Tracee Sioux Do?

Latest Episodes

Is it “Suicide” if Internet Hate Killed 1st Mommy Blogger Heather Armstrong?
May 14, 2023

The world’s first mommy blogger passed away, Heather Armstrong, Dooce. They’re calling it suicide, alcoholism and poor mental health. But, what if? It was the vile energy the world dumped on her for s

*NEW* Sioux-volution vs. Patriarchy
May 12, 2023

Revelations for the (Soul) Revolution

Global Coronavirus Pandemic Conspiracy
April 16, 2020

Join me at the Secret Clubhouse on Patreon.com/traceesioux. Is the Global COVID Pandemic a conspiracy? Is the media causing panic for clicks and ratings? Is the Republican party obstructing the political process by ordering us to stay at home during el...

Recession 2020: What to Do When You’re in Financial Trouble during COVID Pandemic At Home Orders
April 13, 2020

What should you do when you’re facing financial troubles during the Covid Pandemic and Stay at Home Orders? Have you lost your job? Been laid off? Lost your health insurance and other benefits? Should you pay your mortgage? Maybe you’ve lost your job,

Forced to Re-Choose: How do we take care of ourselves and others?
March 23, 2020

What do we do with our feelings during times of transition and trauma? Do we choose how we feel? Should we shut our feelings up? How do we make choices when fear, anger and frustration bubble up? How do we respond to this kind of shake up in our systems?

Quarantine, COVID & Law of Attraction Manifestation
March 19, 2020

How did COVID-19 Manifest with Law of Attraction? Use this opportunity to Re-choose your life! Did we think the wrong thoughts? Did all of the newly-unemployed people just do it wrong? If you’re scared will you attract bad things to you? Right now,

How to be (Beautifully) Alone
March 18, 2020

Quarantined? I’m a dedicated introvert with a vivacious inner-life. Listen in and I’ll give you all the life hacks you’ll need to be happy and healthy, during your time apart. Scared of your own thoughts? Worried about being bored? Don’t worry,

Waiting for Medicaid, (Wait, why can’t we all have healthcare, again?)
March 18, 2020

This morning I was sitting in my car at 7:30 am, the doors don’t open until 8, but I wanted to get there before it got crazy. I’m on Medicaid, and I have been since they gave Medicaid to parents during Obama-era.

Coronavirus: What the Global Panic about the Global Pandemic is Really About
March 14, 2020

We watch Donald Trump declare a "National State of Emergency," halt international travel to Europe and then quietly bomb Iran. Bombing Iran barely makes a headline. The State of Emergency isn't much of an emergency,

Yes, You Should Vote for Elizabeth Warren “Just Because” She’s a Woman
February 25, 2020

Yes, you SHOULD vote for a Elizabeth Warren “Just Because” she’s a woman. It is not a progressive move toward equality that makes you “look at the issues and vote for the best candidate, regardless of gender;” there’s no such thing.