That Pop This Life with Karly & Cynthia

That Pop This Life with Karly & Cynthia

Ep. 117 - What Makes A Good Kiss with Whitney Clark

February 21, 2023

In this episode, Whitney Clark is back with us to talk about kissing: what makes a good or bad kiss, and some tips to help our next make-out sesh. We also have a listener follow-up to our previous “What is Soaking?” conversation, so many thoughts about this week’s “Brilliant or…?” item, and we do a little bragging. 

Do you want to join the conversation, brag about your greatness, or say “Hi!”? Please send us an Email or Voicemail

Also, please don’t forget to follow us on socials…

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Stuff We Talked About

Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay
