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Tech Podcast Network

RevComm: The self-coaching tool for effective communication @ CES 2024

February 06, 2024

RevComm communication coachingFor people who spend their lives in one-on-one communications, such as salespeople, analyzing those communications can be a real challenge. Taking notes during a call can make you sound distracted. Trying to remember how the call went will always return false results. Plus, some metrics are nearly impossible to analyze as a person with our limited perception. This is where RevComm comes in.

AI software analyzes and visualizes conversations

RevComm is a revolutionary tool that is transforming the way businesses communicate and interact with their customers. This software utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze voice communication in various forms, including phone conversations, web meetings, and face-to-face interactions.

The primary goal of this software is to provide self-coaching tools for sales representatives to increase their sales conversion rates. By analyzing and visualizing the conversation between sales reps and customers, the software can provide valuable insights and feedback on various aspects of the conversation.

The software is designed to analyze conversations in various settings, including phone conversations, web meetings, and face-to-face interactions. For phone conversations, the software can easily capture audio and analyze it. For web meetings, platforms like Zoom and Teams can be integrated with the software to analyze the conversation. For face-to-face interactions, a special mic device or a mobile device can be used to capture and analyze the conversation.

The features of RevComm

One of the key features of RevComm is sentiment analysis. It can track the emotional transition of both the sales rep and the customer throughout the conversation. This information can be crucial in understanding the effectiveness of the communication and identifying areas for improvement.

Additionally, the software provides metrics such as talk-to-listen ratio, number of silences, interruptions, and conversation back and forth. These metrics can help sales reps gauge their communication style and identify any patterns or areas that need improvement.

The software also analyzes the pacing of the conversation. It recognizes the importance of pacing in sales and emphasizes the correlation between brain speed and speech rate. By analyzing the pacing of the conversation, the software can help sales reps ensure that they are speaking at an optimal speed that allows the customer to understand and engage without getting bored or frustrated.

In terms of content analysis, the software can identify key topics discussed during the conversation, who mentioned them, and when they were mentioned. This feature allows sales reps to easily navigate through the conversation, make comments, and extract and share relevant parts of the conversation.

Furthermore, the software transcribes and summarizes the entire conversation, allowing sales reps to read back through a conversation to ensure they didn’t misunderstand or misspeak about a topic. This feature also saves time and effort in creating detailed summaries of the conversation.

Conclusion: RevComm makes analyzing sales conversations easier

In terms of cost, the software is priced at $69 per user per month. This includes the analysis engine, phone integration, and user interface. Compared to the cost of IP phones, which typically range from $60 to $70 per user per month, the software offers additional value by providing advanced conversation analysis capabilities.

RevComm is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing the way businesses communicate and interact with their customers. By providing valuable insights and feedback on the effectiveness of communication, this software helps sales reps improve their sales conversion rates and enhance customer interactions. With features such as sentiment analysis, content analysis, and conversation pacing analysis, this software provides a comprehensive understanding of the conversation dynamics and enables sales reps to make data-driven decisions. To learn more, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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