TotalPicture Podcast

TotalPicture Podcast

Oprah Winfrey-featured Qualtrics X4 Summit speaker

September 04, 2020

"What made Oprah Winfrey million dollar keynote worth it at SAP's Qualtrics experience conference."

With a $4.5 million speaker budget did you get your money’s worth?  What made Oprah’s keynote worth the money? 

Last Month In SALT LAKE CITY — Oprah Winfrey said guests on two early episodes of her show, a group of white supremacists and then a man who cheated on his wife fundamentally changed her philosophy about her role in what would become a wildly successful program. 

37,000 interviews later the adjustment proof she’s the best! 

The common denominator in her 37,850 interviews - “Was that Okay?” QBQ  Did what I say get through?  They want to be heard, understood, seen!  

As we interview Brad & Heidi we want them both to get through.  How do want to be seen, what misunderstandings do you want to present about your role and that of  

What do you want to say to the HR ecosystem about Oprah and the two Salt Lake City conferences?

What do you say to our listeners about how Oprah got through to you?

Winfrey, said she will be "forever grateful" for the revelation she had following a pair of appearances that included sharing the set with a group of skinheads that was followed just days later by a trio of guests that included a husband, the wife he was cheating on, and the woman with whom he was cheating. 

People need validation and will open up if they feel trusted.  What productization is going on at to improve on - I hear what you say?

Winfrey - told her producer "we need to figure a way to be a force for good" and ultimately adopted an intention-focused approach to choosing her guests.  

How is adapting this same "intentional" process that served Oprah’s guests & audience?  

Finding some level of truth - intention-centric - centered on the WHY! 

What are some of Experience’s you intend to bring to take the  audience to a higher level?  Brad about ecosystem and Heidi about content & prof. Development

Quoting Winfrey "How could I serve them as a force of enlightenment and entertainment" and directed her production staff, "Don't come to me with the idea unless you know why you're doing it."  

You had an exec. staff meeting at the end of LEAD & Qualtrics are any of your new initiatives born out of the idea of intentionality?  

What’s the value of activity/decision without proper intentionality?  Examples?

What ‘experience’ do you look to refine at 

Oprah - “I know you want the same thing I want. Ultimately you want to be able to live out the fullest, highest truest expression of yourself as a human being." 

Translate this into learning objectives (Heidi) & Sales-Marketing tools (Brad)

Tell me what you want! -  What past employment experiences are you bringing to to address user/brand gaps? 

LEAD was a warm-up act for the QualtricsX4 event?  (Both Brad & Heidi’s first-timers) 

Key take away discussions, what would you like to be asked about each of these events and what is doing as it pertains to #Experience? 

Qualtrics - Five Tracks Users/Customers/Employees/Brand/Academic 

How hard was it for your team to pick a track and why?  

Are their any insight you would like to share from others?  Tell our listeners about their takeaway and internal quests to improve  Users/Customers/Employees/Brand/Academic exper...