Toronto Centre Podcasts

Toronto Centre Podcasts

Ep. 152: Operational Resilience and Proportionality

September 18, 2024

This was the fourth webinar of the series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision.

The revised Core Principle 25 emphasizes banks’ capacity to handle severe operational risks, including pandemics, cyber threats, and natural disasters. Additionally, the revisions introduce a proportionality approach, aligning regulatory rules and supervisory practices with each bank's systemic importance and risk profile. This ensures that standards are scaled appropriately, from large international institutions to smaller deposit-taking banks, without compromising regulatory strength.

The panel discussed the importance of operational resilience for banks in a rapidly changing world, as well as the role of proportionality in effectively scaling standards for different banking sectors.


Chuchi G. Fonacier, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Philippines

Jessica Chew, Deputy Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia


Bill Coen, Former Secretary General, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Board Member and Chair, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, Toronto Centre

Read the transcript here. Read their biographies here.