Torah of Life
When Death Surrounds Us
Welcome back to the Torah of Life podcast. Thanks for listening.
The unspeakable tragedy in Pittsburgh last Shabbat left so many at a loss for words.
How could this happen? Will it happen again? Are we safe in America?
What has become of the freedom for everyone to worship and live in peace?
And how can or should we respond to the tragedy?
These questions aren't easy, and there is no one right answer.
Interestingly, death is a central character in this week's Torah reading, which begins with Sarah's death and burial, and continues with Avraham and Ishmael dying. Isaac gets married to Rebekah and the story will continue. Even amidst the death of his mother, Isaac found a will to go on. Perhaps we can as well.
This week's episode is dedicated to the eleven souls who dies in synagogue last week, the injured, the brave police offers who responded to the shooting, and to all who are working to brighten the world with acts of kindness. May the memories of the departed be for a blessing.
Thanks for listening to the Torah of Life podcast, your home for transformational wisdom from a Jewish lens.