Torah of Life

Torah of Life

Do You Think You're a Moron?

August 06, 2018

Why are we so hard on ourselves when things don't go exactly the way we think they should?

Why are we so willing to be hard on ourselves in ways we wouldn't be to anyone else?

Can we find the strength to have compassion on ourselves when Mr. Murphy comes to visit? (Murphy's law - what can go wrong, will go wrong).

Here's hope we can identify the ways in which we're less than kind to ourselves and replace our negativity with kindness and compassion instead. Your future self will thank you if you do!


Since I've been traveling, today's podcast was recorded on my mobile podcasting platform (aka my cell phone). I don;t think it sounds that much different from the normal episodes, though I'll be back to my regular mic later today.


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I'll be back again soon with the next episode.

Many blessings,

Rabbi Ilan