Torah of Life

Torah of Life

We're Not Gonna Take It!

June 15, 2018

Why do we rebel against that which is good for us?

We sign up for courses and don't do the reading. We join a gym and then never go. We tell our loved ones we'll spend more time with them and we don't. We say we'll get more involved with schools, religion, politics, etc and we forget or run out of time or come up with a thousand excuses for why we don't.

In our Torah reading, Korach leads the ultimate rebellion again Moses's leadership. The people also rebel against Moses and Aaron. God gets mighty steamed about all this kvetching. How does Moses respond? How should we respond when our own self-sabotaging ways come calling? Listen in...the answers might surprise you.

Here's the article I mention in the podcast:

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Stay tuned, we'll be back before you know it with the next episode.

Shabbat Shalom.