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Accused Robber Gets Off Because of Hair
February 18, 2011

Famous birthdays today, protests continue in middle east with crackdowns, protests continue in Wisconsin because of budget cuts, Sarah Palin and Karl Rove don't support skeptics of Obama's birth certificate, House cuts off funding for Planned Parenthood,

Husband waits to tell wife about winning lottery ticket
February 17, 2011

Protests going on in several middle eastern countries, military doing better job of detecting IED's, Unemployment up for female veterans, unemployment up according to Gallup, media left out part of Lara Logan's assault story, protesters in US showing no c

Driver's Dog Gets Him In Trouble
February 17, 2011

House looks to cut $61 billion from budget, Hundreds of prison inmates getting fraudulent tax refunds, Westminster dog show concludes, thieves using smartphones to get your account numbers, Watson the computer wins on Jeopardy, no contract extension for P

Britains senior officers fired accidentally
February 16, 2011

New York stock exchange sells, Iran threatens to execute opposition leaders, protests elsewhere in middle east, kissing contest ends with world record, homebuilders pessimistic about near future, House begins debate on 61 billion dollar cut, woman wins gr

Big lady gets tasered
February 14, 2011

President Obama unveils budget, Joe Jackson breaks ground in Vietnam for amusement park, Shirley Sherrod sues company over video, Gabrielle Giffords making great progress, Bhutan survey show women ok if husband beats them, Protests in Iran, Tiger Woods fi

Robber arrives a little late
February 11, 2011

President Mubarak steps down, IMF proposes not using dollar for reserve currency, US trade deficit grows, Fannie and Freddie to be done away, NASA engineers solve mystery of Toyota acceleration, States move to ban drug "bath salts", No. Carolina police ki

Old man does more pushups than you
February 10, 2011

Rumor of Mubarak stepping down, unemployment applications down, CPAC begins today, woman dies after butt surgery, Federal Reserve Governor resigns, gas explosion destroys house 1 dead, iphone available on Verizon today, WalMart employees fired for apprehe

Woman Turns Herself In For Drunk Driving
February 09, 2011

Continued protests in Egypt, Somali pirates seize another tanker, US and Mexico fight border crime together, school district in Texas drops new Arabic course, Apple starts making new ipads today, corn reserves way down, IRS goes after off shore accounts,

Indiana city unsure about naming new center after old mayor
February 09, 2011

Protests continue in Egypt as Google exec is freed, Romania witches might get jail time or fines if predictions don't come true, three teenagers killed across border from El Paso, Rumsfeld and Bush's daughters had bounty on heads, abortion doctor made $1.
