Top Advisor Marketing Podcast

Top Advisor Marketing Podcast

So, What’s Your Brand Personality? With Lauren Hong (Ep. 433)

September 19, 2023

So, what’s your brand? Answer that question, and you’ll likely mention your color palette, tagline, logo, and perhaps a descriptor or two (We’re playful! But also very professional!). 

Done and done, right? Not so fast. Your brand can and should be so much more than that.  

In this episode, ProudMouth’s resident influence expert Matt Halloran is joined by the founder and president of Out & About Communications, Lauren Hong. Together, they examine the subtle but oh-so-important difference between brand and brand personality, and why you should place greater emphasis on the latter.  

It’s everything you are and do, but also everything you’re not

Lauren & Matt discuss:

  • The difference between brand and brand personality
  • How the energy you put out and want to present is a cornerstone of that personality
  • Why your personality should be the foundation of everything, from your social media to your client interactions 
  • How and where to organically find your brand personality
  • Ways to apply brand personality across the various departments in your business for stability and consistency
  • And more

“At the end of the day, you want to be authentically you as an individual, but you want the brand to be authentically itself, and so as a result, if the brand is authentically itself, it’s going to attract the right potential employees to hire.

Right? It’s going to attract the right kind of target market. These kinds of things. And, but without clarity around that, it can feel very disjointed.” ~Lauren Hong


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About Lauren Hong:

Lauren Hong is the president of Out & About Communications, a full-service, integrated marketing agency based in San Diego and serving clients nationwide. Out & About provides a full suite of insight-driven marketing and operational support, designed to align business strategy with tactics that cut through the clutter. Lauren guides a team of subject matter experts, managers, and implementers who wake up excited every day to deliver results. Read more about Lauren and the team at