Top Advisor Marketing Podcast

Top Advisor Marketing Podcast

Top Reasons for Advisors To Choose a Niche (and How To Get Started) With Natalie Hales (Ep. 421)

June 27, 2023

You’ve probably heard about the positive impact niching can have on your business. But maybe you’re still hesitant to niche. Won’t it impact your potential revenue?

In this episode, Matt Halloran and Natalie Hales; founder of Natalie Hales, Advisor Marketing; uncover why the majority of top advisors have a specialized niche. They share how to identify your niche (spoiler alert: “women” isn’t a niche), and how to position yourself to become the obvious choice to your ideal prospects.

Natalie discusses:

  • Why niching doesn’t exclude clientele or limit your revenue
  • Why having a niche makes you easier to refer
  • Her process for helping advisors identify who they’d like to serve
  • How an advisor was able to raise his prices by 60% after going from indecisive to laser-focused about serving a niche audience
  • Why jumping into social media isn’t the way to build trust with a specific audience (and three things to do before showing up on social)
  • And more


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About Natalie Hales:

As the founder of Natalie Hales, Advisor Marketing, and with over 10 years of experience in financial marketing, Natalie specializes in helping financial advisors discover their niche, craft their positioning, and tell their stories to attract dream clients. 

Her unique expertise in business strategy and marketing creativity has been honed through her work with renowned companies like Canada Life. Natalie’s superpower lies in crafting personalized brand strategies through her signature framework, The Niche Funnel.