the Tony Funderburk FunderCast
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No problem, no problemo. Oh yeah? Well, here’s the memo.
My brother and I had a two-week booking in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we had just arrived. We unloaded our music gear and clothes and took them into the hotel. But I left a few boxes and assorted items i
Your whole life, here, is a chance to hear
Your whole life here on earth is only the beginning. The fullness of eternity opens up to you, clearly, once you die. That’s the point of no return. Or, as the band, Kansas, said, the Point of Know Re
Uncool as me? Is that what you see?
To see me now, it might be difficult to even imagine I was once considered part of the cool crowd. Not the smoke-dope-drop-ludes-party-till-you-drop crowd. But because I was a full-time musician that
Forgiveness without repentance is a crime with a long sentence
Forgiveness without repentance is selfish and unwise. How’s that for an opener? But I only said it because it’s true. Forgiveness without repentance kills dogs. Not just people. Yeah, if you won’t app
Passenger list includes you if you want it to
I don’t fly the unfriendly skies anymore. Because I don’t wanna be stuck in an unsanitary tube, soaring through the air at 35000 feet up, with a passenger list that includes people who hate each other
Front page news won’t show these views
This dreadful message is dark. Too dark for the front page news and prime time. So, you won’t see or hear it unless you tune into channels where people share the truth even when it’s unpopular. I’ve s
Shadow of a doubt leads to being left out
Before I get into what a mess you are, let me first say Happy Super Tuesday. I have no clue what that means. But apparently there’s some holiday being celebrated, and that’s what they call it. Now, wh
Protoplanet Vesta for the brain that’s on siesta
So. There’s this little protoplanet named “Vesta.” And, as it churns out, little Vesta might have some clues as to how life on Earth might have formed? Yeah, scientists discovered some areas of impact
Old hymns lyrics say so much in a better way
Who wants to listen to (much less, sing) a bunch of old songs with a bunch of thee’s, thy’s, and thou’s? I mean, not only is that stuff not cool, it just sounds weird. Yeah, the old hymns lyrics say
Knowing why makes me a happy guy
I remember Ted Kennedy’s shaky voice, during a eulogy for his brother Robert, as he quoted George Bernard Shaw who said, “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never w