Good News for Everyone

Latest Episodes
2025: A New Year, A New Beginning! [Audio & Video]
- What is God saying about 2025? - In this message, Susan and I share some of the thoughts that the Holy Spirit has been bringing to us for this new year. We have an excitement about 2025, the year
BSOM263: Activating the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry [Audio]
Audio Podcast: Activating the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry Every Christian has the Holy Spirit, but too often the Holy Spirit is dormant in their lives. This message explains the ministry of the Holy
How to Receive Eternal Life [Audio & Video]
- We put so much thought and effort into this present life, but the truth is, we are only here for a few moments. Once our bodies are worn out, we will leave this earth and either be with the Lord i
Pray for the Heart of America [Audio & Video]
- America needs a new heart! - We can get new leaders.We can see laws changed. But the real need is for a change of heartand only God can do that. - The Holy Spirit spokethrough the prophet Ezeki
Finding the Purpose for Your Church [Audio with Telugu Translation]
- Tom and Susan at a pastors conference in India 2015. - In August, I shared a message by Skype with a church in Secunderabad, India based on the story of the church at Ephesus from Acts 19:1-20 cal
Come to the Father [Audio & Video]
- Jesus came to reveal the Fatherand make a way for us to come to Him. As He was preparing His disciples for the time of His departure, He said: - On that day you will ask Me nothing. Truly, truly
Totally Cleansed of Sin [Audio & Video]
Do you ever feel like you are not quite good enough for God? That your life does not quite messure up? - If so, this message is for you because your acceptance is not dependent on your performance. It
Who Are You Following? [Audio & Video]
- Who are you following? - And, the second question, where are you going? Because you are going wherever the person you are following is going. - We are living in a time when millions of people are
What the Resurrection Means to You [Audio & Video]
History proves that Jesus rose from the dead 2,000 years ago. It confirmed everything that He said and proves that he is the Son of God. - But what does it mean to us today? Is there power for us toda
What Do You Need from the Lord? [Audio & Video]
- What do you need from the Lord? Maybe you have a physical issue that the doctors can't fix. Or a financial quagmire with no solution. Or a child gone astray. Perhaps it's a need that consumes your