Tomorrow Today
Episode 1 – The New Lemonade Stand, Digital Natives & Invitational Leadership
Do you bring out the best in others as a leader? 'Invitational Leadership' is a leadership model perfect for the turbulent times we live in. It assumes there is a best in everyone, and that everyone has a valid contribution to make. As a leader - are you creating an environment that invites the best out of everyone? Are you engaging with the Digital Natives in your workplace by understanding the VUCA world they grew up in. Do you consider their voice in the workplace as much as parents considered their voices growing up!
Speaking of the voice of Digital Natives... have you considered that YouTube could be the new lemonade stand? That's right... kids, yes, kids, are making good money from YouTube... So if an 8 and 5 year old earning over $100 000 a month sounds crazy to you, perhaps you need to listen a little further. Not just because it's fascinating, but more importantly, to consider the impact this has on your businesses and as parents, the career choices your kids are making.
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