The Tom Dupree Show

The Tom Dupree Show

Latest Episodes

Plan for the Next Bear Market
June 28, 2024

Nvidias success is the biggest problem that the stock market has right now. It just controls too much of the markets growth. You must be invested for the stage of []

Growth Comes from Pain
June 28, 2024

Growth comes from pain. No one chooses to go through pain. It is important to learn from the sacrifices and mistakes of others.

The Fayette County School Board is at it Again
June 21, 2024

After a site analysis done by the Kentucky Board of Education with three proposals all using the existing historic house on the property deemed in great condition, FCPS received a []

Chasing the Biggest Stocks
June 21, 2024

Why chasing the biggest stocks is a terrible idea. A good company does not necessarily mean it is a good investment.

Travels with Tom
June 15, 2024

After a trip to Normandy, Tom reflects on Patriotism.

Fear and Greed
June 15, 2024

The things you think are great often are not. Fear can cause bad decisions when investing but so can greed. There is no shortcut to managing money. It has to []

Produce Income. Maintain Purchasing Power.
June 08, 2024

Dividends can only be generated by a company that is doing something. The company produces a consistent dividend and the business is predictable with a strong balance sheet. Dividends paid []

Invest for the Long-term
June 01, 2024

Know what you own. Invest for the Long-term. If you are going for a high yield, make sure you know how its produced.

Biblical Illusions
May 25, 2024

The House of David in the Bible and Sauls pursuit of him. How is Biden like Saul?

Expenses Continue in Retirement
May 25, 2024

In retirement, you need cash flow. The income your money is producing for you becomes very important. At the same time, inflation is lowering the purchasing power of every dollar. []
