The Tom Barnard Podcast

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Dana Heath - #2196
When you think about someone fighting back against an attacker, you probably don't think of a 16 year old girl. That's part of the reason said girls do need to learn to fight back. Can't be an easy target. Dana decided at a young age that self-defense
Zach Selwyn - #2195 | Car Selling Secrets #133
Are you a music fan? Like a real music fan. Do you wait in the parking lot for hours before shows so you can talk about the band? Then you may find yourself talking to Zach. Not only that, he'll pay you for it. As long as you know what you're talking
Tom Wheelwright - #2194
Americans are some of the least-taxed people in the first world. And yet, it's still too much. It's your money. You worked for it. Why shouldn't you keep it? Well, there are ways to make that happen. The reason you pay taxes is because the governmen
Funny Brits, Serious Americans - #2193
We're trying out a new format for the podcast. One long episode rather than two medium-sized ones. Same amount of content, just no break in between. Let us know what you think on Twitter. Or don't. We hate Twitter. We use it, but we also hate it. A
BEST Of Manic Monday Mania
Today's Best Of, we go back to Ricky Gervais cause he's that damn good. He should host everything, everywhere at anytime. Viewership would sky rocket! Some people can absorb all this excitment. So if you are an empath, Dr. Judith Orloff will explain how t
BEST Of Guess Who?
When it comes to parenting tips, Jamie Kaler is your man! Not that he's got all the answers, but he sure will make you laugh thinking that he does. Then Craig Gass or should I say Tracy Morgan, Gene Simmons or Sam Kinison....who knows, who cares, IT'S HIL
Jay Johnson - #2192-2
Every person doesn't know a lot more than they know. It's just a fact of life. There's far too much knowledge for one human to even attempt to gather. So how do you prioritize what to learn? Jay's book is a good place to start. "Common sense" is only
Sally Denton - #2192-1
In a complete coincidence, today's episode is also about the FLDS. However, instead of talking about how evil they are, this time it's about how a bunch of them, mostly children, got massacred in Mexico. Still not a fun topic. But a much more mysteriou
FLDS Is Also Bad - #2191-2
It's that time of year again: time to hate on the FLDS. I know, it feels like last year's festivities were just a few months ago. Perhaps the new documentary, Keep Sweet, is responsible for kicking things off early. It's like when Target brings out the
Lethal Injection - #2191-1
Today is a lesson in not doing drugs. Death from overdosing or chronic use isn't exactly a new thing. It happened to Elvis, although the official reports will say otherwise. It's happened to uncountable musicians and actors. And now it's happening to