Radio Toilet ov Hell

Radio Toilet ov Hell

Toilet Radio 223: New Year, Same Old Bullshit

January 01, 2020

Welcome to the first podcast of 2020. This time around, we're completely flipping the switch. No longer will we make fun of prominent metal musicians and call them "dick wads" when they do insanely racist shit. Instead, we'll all join hands and learn how to appreciate riffs together. Just kidding. FIRST UP: Kottak Attack! Somehow the former Scorpions drummer turns a benefit concert into an opportunity to join a fascist podcast. NEXT UP: Sharon Osbourne cackles about firing her servants after abusing the shit out of them. THEN: We learn what a Lorna Shore is have a convo about misogynist dick wads in deathcore. Jordan asks the tough question, what deathcore band would we join? As I Lay Dying keeps reaping the rewards of a broken industry by getting added to Wacken. BULLSHIT. We learn what it costs to get your band on Jimmy Kimmel and decide to start saving our pennies for the worldwide premiere of Crotch Monster. And finally, we close it down with some Johnny Knoxville appreciation. Happy new year, y'all.

Music featured on this show:
Acacia Strain - "Giving" from It Comes in Waves

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