Radio Toilet ov Hell
Toilet Radio 211: The October Spooktacular Presents The Gate
Happy October, nerds. To honor this, our spookiest month, we’re gonna be checking out a unique horror film every week. This week we’re joined by our old pal Metal.txt. He had me watch a movie that terrified him as a tiny lil .txt, 1987 horror movie for kids, The Gate! It's a tale about kids opening up a gate to the Great Old Ones using the power of heavy metal and a shit ton of eyeball gore. We're talking about Stephen Dorff's first role as 9-year-old Glenn, trying to figure out what happened to his co-star to make him leave acting and change his name to a series of numbers, and getting traumatized over practical effects and egregious uses of a dead dog. What happened to making scary movies specifically for children? If The Gate is any indication, they were WAY TOO GRAPHIC. Join us for the warm feelings of nostalgia, stick around for all questions you had about Merzbow but were afraid to ask.
Music featured on this episode:
Celestial Sanctuary - "Mass Extinction" from Mass Extinction Demo
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