The Blue Valley Schools Podcast

The Blue Valley Schools Podcast

Latest Episodes

BV Unmuted: On Elementary Plan & Collaboration Time (Part II)
March 07, 2024

Join Blue Valley Chief Communications Officer Kristi McNerlin and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Katie Collier as we follow up on an earlier discussion about plan and collaboration time in our elementary schools.#BVTogether

BV Unmuted: Community Mental Health
March 04, 2024

Our #BVUnmuted podcast series continues with a focus on mental health support across our district and community. Dr. Merrigan is joined by Dr. Mindy Wells (Student Support Services), Tim Deweese (Johnson County Mental Health Center) and Karen Mulligan

BV Unmuted: Elementary Plan & Collaboration Time
February 09, 2024

Our #BVUnmuted podcast series continues with a focus on plan and collaboration time at the elementary school level. February Host & GuestsAmy Farthing (Executive Director of School Admin, K-5)Dr. Katie Collier (Deputy Superintendent)Shelly Krull (3r

BV Unmuted: Updated Graduation Requirements
January 11, 2024

Our #BVUnmuted podcast series continues with a focus on updated graduation requirements across the district! Join host Dr. Tonya Merrigan along with guests Scott Roberts (Exec. Director of School Admin) and Dr. Anne Kastelic (Asst. Principal, BVSW) as

BVUnmuted: Academic Success in Blue Valley
November 07, 2023

Join host Dr. Tonya Merrigan as our #BVUnmuted series continues with a focus on academic success in Blue Valley!Guests Kelly Ott and Adam Wade from Academic Services discuss what success looks like in classrooms at the elementary, middle and high school l

BV Unmuted: The Kindergarten Experience
April 26, 2023

Join host Amy Farthing as we discuss the kindergarten experience for students, teachers and families in Blue Valley!Guests:Christy Taylor, Indian Valley Elementary teacher with close to 40 years experience teaching kindergartenHannah Battleson, IVE parent

BV Unmuted: Blue Valley Educational Foundation
March 23, 2023

Join host Dr. Tonya Merrigan as she talks with Susan Tideman (Executive Director) and Lisa Austin (Communications Manager) from the Blue Valley Educational Foundation.Hear about some of BVEF's upcoming events, exciting fundraisers and learn how you can ma

BV unmuted - Snow Days: Behind the Scenes
January 13, 2023

"One of the things that I hope people are hearing is how much planning and thought goes in to decisions around inclement weather... safety is really what we're looking at. We know it's an inconvenience if we have to cancel school, but if it's not safe to

Bond 2023 - Teaching with Technology
January 06, 2023

"It's amazing the number of cyber attacks that come in from outside. We've weathered those very well and it's because we have great systems and up-to-date equipment... Bond funds allow us to refresh this technology, ensure a high level of access for our k

Bond 2023 - Student and Staff Safety
November 14, 2022

"We try to make all our security measures work together - put them together like a puzzle - so they offer the best protection for our students and staff." - Dan Carney, Director of Safety and Security There is no single safety measure that will keep Blue