

Best of Swarfcast: Finding Purpose in Your Work with Brent Robertson—EP 37

December 30, 2021

Have you ever asked yourself what your purpose is when you go to work in the morning? Sometimes I wonder if I’m spending enough time making an important impact on the world, or if I’m too wrapped up in the mechanics of making deals on machine tools.

In this week’s podcast we interviewed Brent Robertson of Fathom. Brent is a business philosopher and consultant. His mission is help people discover what their purpose is, beyond just making money. He has found that if he can give people purpose in what they do, it inspires those they work with and their clients as well.

Listen to the podcast below the video.

Question: Is making money purpose enough for you?

The post Best of Swarfcast: Finding Purpose in Your Work with Brent Robertson—EP 37 first appeared on Today’s Machining World.