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Thinking Like an Artist to Solve Engineering Challenges, With Dr. Onome Scott-Emuakpor—Ep. 181 (Part II)
September 12, 2024

Todays podcast episode is the second half of our interview with Dr. Onome Scott-Emuakpor, the founder of Hyphen Innovations, a firm that develops low cost, damage resistant aerospace components. When

Thinking Like an Artist to Solve Engineering Challenges, With Dr. Onome Scott-Emuakpor (Part I)—Ep. 180
September 09, 2024

Noah is attending IMTS this week, so we are resharing one of our favorite podcasts from last year. This episode of Swarfcast was recorded in March of 2023. The second part is also available online her

CNC Machining Camp, with Terry Iverson–EP 225
August 28, 2024

Terry Iverson is a lifer in the machining industry. His grandfather sold machines for Hardinge over 100 years ago, and for 40 years he ran the Hardinge machinery distributor for the Midwest. Today Te

How to Get the Most From a Trade Show, With Will Healy III (Part II)–EP 164
August 28, 2024

This podcast episode is the second part of our interview with Will Healy III about how to get the most out of trade shows, which we did before IMTS 2022. Its a great time run the best of, as IMTS 202

How to Get the Most From a Trade Show, With Will Healy III (Part I)–EP 163
August 26, 2024

The 2024 IMTS International Manufacturing Technology Show coming up in two weeks in Chicago! We did an awesome podcast two years ago about preparing for trade shows and IMTS in particular, so we will

Pivoting to Manufacture a Product, with Michael Gimbel – EP 224
August 19, 2024

Most of us dont have a knack for pivoting. We follow the standard curriculum, and we keep going forward when we get in a lane, whether we believe its the right direction or not. But for Michael Gim

How a Machining Company Thrives after 108 years in Business, with Michael Ottenweller and Terry Hanson—EP 156
August 14, 2024

Our guests on todays show are Michael Ottenweller and Terry Hanson, of Ottenweller Company, a medium-sized fabrication and machining company headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ottenweller is a 108

How Crazy Ideas Fuel Your Business–EP 223
August 05, 2024

Often the best deals and business decisions happen when youre doing something that seems crazy to other people and even a little bit crazy to yourself. As used machinery dealers, putting our money do

CNC Swiss Mad Scientist, Chris Armstrong–EP 110
August 01, 2024

Todays show is the second episode in our season about Swiss machining. I interviewed Chris Armstrong last week while he was parked at a rest stop somewhere in Texas. He was en route on an all day tri

How to Create an Awesome Manufacturing Culture, with Jim Mayer–EP 222
July 24, 2024

This is how its always been done. Businesses sometimes can do OK with a philosophy like that. Maybe even make good money. But it sucks being just ok, because you know you could be so much better.