

How to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn, with Scott Aaron–EP 221

July 10, 2024

I’ve had a LinkedIn profile for a long time, but I didn’t pay much attention to it until two years ago when I started using it to promote this podcast. I know it’s been helpful for me, but like all social media, the way it works is an enigma.

I’m guessing that many of you out there are like me. You’re on LinkedIn and wish you could use the platform to become a thought leader or promote your business, or maybe you’re trying to find a new job. But you’re unsure how to use the platform, so you to rarely use it if ever.

My guest on today’s show, Scott Aaron, seems to have cracked the code to excel on LinkedIn. He’s a professional LinkedIn coach, and he has a great podcast called Networking and Marketing Made Simple that I’ve become an avid listener of.

On today’s show Scott is going to talk about how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, build the right network, and make valuable content so you can get the most out of the platform.


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Interview Highlights

Noah Graff: How is LinkedIn different from other social media platforms for promoting a business?

Scott Aaron: Anyone that has a service-based business, if you’re providing a service to a core demographic, you’re going to want to focus on LinkedIn. That is not to devalue the other platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, but they’re entertainment platforms. Yes, there’s a lot of how-to videos on YouTube, but it’s basically just watching videos. 

If you want credibility, if you want visibility, if you want to be taken seriously and position yourself as an expert or a go-to person in a space, you’re going to want to optimize everything that you’re doing on LinkedIn.

Noah Graff: Let’s talk about people in our specific niche. Should a precision machining company use LinkedIn?

Scott Aaron: Manufacturing is one of the top industries on LinkedIn. 88% of LinkedIn users are in decision-making roles. If these companies can connect with their core demographic and post relevant content about their services and industry, they position themselves as go-to companies. This leads to potential clients reaching out, saying they’ve seen the content and want to discuss working together.

Noah Graff: Let’s talk about stuff that people could post. Say you’re a manufacturer and you make implantable bone screws for the medical industry. What might be a typical post to make you interesting, give you visibility, and make you a thought leader?

Scott Aaron: For someone manufacturing dental implants, you’d want to connect with dentists, oral surgeons, and cosmetic surgeons.

I start the week with a video—either a 30-second short video, a two to four minute explainer video, or a LinkedIn live if they want to do a longer 12 to 15 minute training. The content should educate or inform your audience. 

Noah Graff: To do a high-quality video, that’s a lot of work. What if you’re not a video person?

Scott Aaron: I usually just use my phone. I prop it up, hit record, and keep it simple.

Noah Graff: What other content can you post?

Scott Aaron: On Wednesdays, I recommend doing a market research poll. I’m a big believer in finding out pain points that will further content.

If I were a manufacturing company providing dental implants for firms and practices, I would ask a simple yes or no question like: “Do you find it difficult to keep up with the manufacturing of dental implants for your patients? Yes, no, other comment below.”

This question can reveal if a dental practice is having pipeline issues with their current implant manufacturer. When people vote, it gives you hard data. 

You can then reach out to those who voted and say, “Hey, I noticed you voted ‘yes, you’re having difficulties,’ I just wanted to introduce ourselves and our company, we would be happy to explore how we can work together.”

Noah Graff: LinkedIn rewards you for commenting on the posts from other users, correct? Is it really important to comment on other posts?

Scott Aaron: LinkedIn rewards you for three specific activities:

  1. Posting your own content
  2. Commenting on your own or others’ posts
  3. Contributing to collaborative articles

These are the visibility metric trackers that LinkedIn suggests people do each week.

Noah Graff: Give me an important point in your life where serendipity played a big part.

Scott Aaron: Meeting my wife.

Listen to the full interview for information on topics like profile optimization, business pages, and newsletters.

Transcription was aided by claud.ai. to improve readability.

The post How to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn, with Scott Aaron–EP 221 first appeared on Today’s Machining World.