

What Should I Charge for My Parts?, Jay Jacobs (Part II) EP-197

September 27, 2023
How do you know what to charge for your product?

How do you negotiate with customers and leave the least money on the table? And not just for one transaction but for the long run?

On today’s episode, Part II of our interview with Jay Jacobs, we discuss strategies that you can use the next time you ask yourself, “What should I charge for my manufactured parts?”

Jay’s former company, RAPID Manufacturing, grew at an average rate of 32% annually from 2010 to 2017, and one of the key reasons for the growth were his strategies to price parts. Jay also co-founded Paperless Parts, a sophisticated software platform that assists manufacturing companies in quoting and pricing jobs, so he knows the pricing game in manufacturing.

The post What Should I Charge for My Parts?, Jay Jacobs (Part II) EP-197 first appeared on Today’s Machining World.