Today's Family Experience

Today's Family Experience

Sharing the Undone Life with Michele Cushatt

September 04, 2015

This episode of Today's Family Experience features Michelle Cushatt.  For those not familiar with Michele, I wrote about her in an earlier post in which I reviewed her book, Undone: Making Peace with an Unexpected Life.  I really respect and appreciate Michele and know you will benefit from hearing this episode, reading her book and connecting with her online resources.

Quick bit of context on Michele incase, she is a talented public speaker associated with Women of Faith, Focus on the Family, Provers 31 She Speaks, Companions International.  She is the co-host of This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt a very popular business, life and leadership podcast.

What struck me as I talked to Michele this time was that while her voice was much weaker than before and I know she is still physically weak, she brings a strength and energy to our conversation which really surprised me.  Since we had met last fall, she had undergone a significant surgery and multiple treatment which have affected her speech yet she is continuing to use her voice to help others.

First, you need to listen to the podcast.  I know some of you just aren't into that "podcast" thing but this conversation is the perfect reason for you to dive into the podcast world.  It isn't hard, you can listen directly from this post which is easy but not convenient.  You can also download it to your mobile device.  For Apple users, just follow the link to iTunes and it is easy to listen and hopefully subscribe.  It is slightly more complicated with Android devices but the attached link will get you set up.

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No more excuses, listen now.

Here are some highlights that I took away from our conversation.  They aren't exact quotes but are my attempt to capture themes in our conversation.

Michele really helped me uncover why so many of us feel a double hit when things don't go according to our plan.  First, the negative event brings all sorts of pain on its own.  Second, she shared that as Christians, we assume that everything should go fine if we are faithful Christians.  So when things go bad we also feel pain and fear because it attacks our identity as Christians.

She shares courageously about the challenges associated with divorce, remarriage and raising a blended family.  This section was one of my favorites because it revealed to me the chaos and healing that occurred when rather than trying to fit back into "normal" they moved into a new normal that allowed for a family full of hurt people to live together.

I also thought her saying, "We are imperfect people that ro raise little imperfect people" was a great way to balance the pain we feel when our kids rebellious.  It's easy to blame ourselves or blame them but this saying really helped me see that both can be true and we can grow as parents and cut ourselves some slack at the same time.
Actions Steps

Win a copy of Michele's book "Undone: A Story Of Making Peace With An Unexpected Life"  You just need to fill out a really quick survey telling us about yourself and helping me develop content that helps you.  Just click here to take the survey and I'll let you know if you win.
Sign-up for free eBook "Parenting Stubborn Kids: When Your Kids Are More Stubborn Than You" either by filling in the form on the right side of this webpage or going HERE

Key resources:
Michele's website:

7 Day's to making peace
video series