TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

S04 E07 - Karen Johnson - Navigating an extended stay in the NICU to the PICU and beyond
Some families move from the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) to the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) during an extended hospital stay. What is the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit? How do you manage an extended NICU and PICU journey? Today’s guest will share more about her family’s journey with their 26-weeker, Eli, navigating from an extended stay in the NICU to their journey in the PICU and beyond. Karen Johnson is a Nigerian born and raised, naturalized American with 20+ years of professional experience in the field of Information Technology. As she will share with you, though, none of her life’s experiences could have prepared her for the journey with her son, Eli.
On this episode you will hear:
- You will hear about Karen Johnson's pregnancy journey and how it affected her family;
- Karen experienced both the NICU and PICU, and she will tell you about the difference between the two;
- Karen's transition to the PICU;
- What helped Karen make it through each day;
- The importance of journaling and writing;
- How did Karen prepare to go home, after her extended stay in the NICU & PICU;
- What appointments you may need to schedule before discharge;
- What equipment you may need to learn about;
- How to navigate all of that;
- Karen's advice for other families coming home with equipment, from the NICU and PICU;
- What Karen's journey looked like the past several years, with her son Eli;
- Karen's biggest piece of advice for families navigating the NICU; and,
- How Eli is doing today.
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The TODAY is a Good Day Podcast is produced by CollegeCast LLC ( Visit for more information and to check out other nonprofit podcasts.
This episode was produced and directed by Tony Lopes (SoftStix Productions LLC -, and CVO of CollegeCast LLC), along with co-producer and director of photography Michael Leary (One Fifteen Films LLC -, and CCO of CollegeCast LLC), and editor David DeLizza.
Copyright 2020 to 2022, SoftStix Productions LLC/One Fifteen Films LLC/CollegeCast LLC.