TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

S04 E06 - Madeline Szabo - Case managers in the NICU: who they are and when you need them
We hear about case managers supporting families in the NICU, but what is the role of a case manager and when do you need one? Also, what are social determinants of health and how do they impact a family navigating the NICU. We will hear answers to these questions and more with our guest today. Madeline Szabo is the Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations at Progeny Health, a national healthcare company dedicated to Maternity and NICU Care Management. The company serves women, infants, caregivers, and families through the milestones of maternal health — from conception and pregnancy to postpartum and parenting, with special expertise in managing premature and complex births and resulting NICU admissions. With over 25 years’ experience in the managed care arena, Madeline has developed a keen understanding of key aspects of the healthcare industry. Prior to joining ProgenyHealth, she served as Regional Director and Associate Vice President with both Molina Healthcare and Aetna. In these roles, Madeline developed and implemented programs to support lines of business that included commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid membership. Madeline earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Bloomsburg University.
On this episode you will hear:
- You will hear about what inspired Madeline to get into this area of work;
- How and when case managers get involved in a NICU case;
- The role of a case manager;
- Who families should connect with to ask for support, If a hospital is not working with Progeny Health;
- A NICU Stay is very overwhelming for families, and they may not fully understand everything that is happening; you'll hear a discussion about what questions families should ask when they are admitted to the NICU;
- We hear a lot about social determinants of health, and Madeline helps us understand what that means and how her team addresses these concerns;
- Are there resources available for families who would be outside of the Progeny network;
- The community partners ProgenyHealth works with to support families;
- ProgenyHealth also has a special expertise in helping families and infants affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) or Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS); Madeline explains these conditions and how her team responds;
- There has been a lot in the news about health inequities. We’ve read that Black Mothers, for example, have 3X the rate of maternal morbidity than white women. Madeline discusses how her work helps to “level the playing field” for all individuals;
- Madeline shares how you can access case management services; and,
- Madeline shares general tips for NICU Parents.
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The TODAY is a Good Day Podcast is produced by CollegeCast LLC ( Visit for more information and to check out other nonprofit podcasts.
This episode was produced and directed by Tony Lopes (SoftStix Productions LLC -, and CVO of CollegeCast LLC), along with co-producer and director of photography Michael Leary (One Fifteen Films LLC -, and CCO of CollegeCast LLC), and editor David DeLizza.
Copyright 2020 to 2022, SoftStix Productions LLC/One Fifteen Films LLC/CollegeCast LLC.