TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

S04 E02 - Camille Jackson - Taking the NICU journey One Day at a Time with our 26-weeker
Hearing about the NICU and becoming a NICU parent can be far from what you expect it to be. Advocating for your baby and learning how to navigate the ups and downs is important. Today’s guest knows this unique journey firsthand with her 26-weeker.
On this episode you will hear:
- Camille will share her journey to starting a family, with you;
- You’ll hear what Camille knew about the neonatal intensive care unit before delivering prematurely, and what you should consider;
- Camille will talk about what she did to advocate for her baby;
- Camille discusses what was most helpful for her, when family members or friends asked how they could help;
- Camille shares her advice for others who may not be sure how to ask for help from family and friends;
- The NICU is a rollercoaster, Camille shares what she did to get through the difficult days;
- Camille discusses her was the transition home from the NICU;
- Camille’s sweet miracle is almost a year old, Camille shares what was most challenging for her after coming home; and,
- Camille shares her biggest piece of advice that she would give to other families just starting their NICU journey.
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The TODAY is a Good Day Podcast is produced by CollegeCast LLC ( Visit for more information and to check out other nonprofit podcasts.
This episode was produced and directed by Tony Lopes, of SoftStix Productions LLC (, in collaboration with co-producer and director of photography Michael Leary, of One Fifteen Films LLC (, and editor David DeLizza.
Copyright 2020 to 2022, SoftStix Productions LLC.