TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

S03E05: Karen Beck - Personal Journey from IVF to full-term pregnancy to welcoming a 29-weeker
The journey to starting a family is different for each of us. This episode's guest is here to share her personal journey with IVF, finally learning she was pregnant, and welcoming a premature baby with a big brother at home. Karen Beck is a former educator and has served as the Program Coordinator for Today is a Good Day. She has been a part of Today is a Good Day’s dedicated team of volunteers for many years and we are grateful for all she contributes to help other families navigate the NICU. Karen knows first-hand the struggles of welcoming a premature baby, balancing home life and NICU life, and the challenges of starting a family.
On this episode you will hear:
- Karen tells you a little about her personal journey to starting a family.
- Karen talks about "chemical pregnancy" and "blight ovums," and explains what those terms mean.
- Karen talks about her next experience in the NICU, and will share with you what that journey to pregnancy looks like and what you can expect.
- You will hear about what it is like to visit a baby in the NICU while caring for a toddler.
- Karen shares how she explained having a new baby brother “here” but not actually “here” at home to her other child.
- You will hear about how Karen helped her toddler feel connected to his brother.
- Karen shares her most difficult moments during the NICU journey and how she overcame those moments.
- Karen shares her advice for you or other families going through a similar situation?
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This episode was produced and directed by Tony Lopes, of SoftStix Productions LLC (, in collaboration with co-producer and director of photography Michael Leary, of One Fifteen Films LLC (, and editor David DeLizza.
Copyright 2020 to 2022, SoftStix Productions LLC.