TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

TODAY is a Good Day Podcast

S03E02: Jennifer and Craig Goldsmith - Navigating the NICU journey to Kindergarten - A Story from a family with twin boys born at 23 weeks 5 days

December 13, 2021

Every NICU experience is different even when babies are born at the same gestational age. Today we are speaking with the Goldsmith Family who welcomed their NICU Miracles at just 23 weeks and 5 days. They have a powerful story, to share with you, about navigating the ups and downs of the NICU all the way to starting Kindergarten this fall.  If you have concerns about how to navigate the NICU and what seeing your NICU miracles start their educational journey with kindergarten looks like, this episode is for you.

On this episode you will hear:

  • The Goldsmiths' journey to starting their family.
  • How the Goldsmiths decided to transfer their son to a new hospital.
  • How they managed going between two hospitals while trying to heal and manage life outside of the NICU.
  • When the Goldsmiths had moments that they felt as though they needed to speak up and how they did that (and what you can take away from that).
  • Craig Goldsmith shares his journey and perspective as a dad and husband, going through the NICU journey with Jennifer.
  • Gavin and Declan both experienced surgeries during their extended NICU stays. You will hear how the Goldsmiths got through the surgeries and what their childrens' recoveries looked like.
  • What it feels like to hear the words “You’re going home.”
  • What it felt like to go back into the hospital.
  • What the Goldsmith family’s journey looked like since graduation (from the NICU) to kicking off Kindergarten this year.
  • How you can manage therapies and the therapy schedule (like the Goldsmiths).
  • The one piece of advice the Goldsmiths have for other NICU families, like yours, who may be navigating a similar path.

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This episode was produced and directed by Tony Lopes, of SoftStix Productions LLC (, in collaboration with co-producer and director of photography Michael Leary, of One Fifteen Films LLC (, and editor David DeLizza.

Copyright 2020 to 2022, SoftStix Productions LLC.