New Vintage Church

New Vintage Church

Latest Episodes

Devotion: On A Mission From God
May 15, 2016

A new way of seeing what you're already doing, deciding what you should be doing, and devoting your life to doing it!

Devotion: When Worry Wraps Around Life
May 08, 2016

Worry is lethal and appears more in our habits than our emotions. A surprisingly counter-intuitive response to keep worry from killing you.

Devotion: Meditation
May 01, 2016

If prayer and the bible are so central, why is our devotion to these traditional and foundational practices so lacking?

Devotion: Family and Friends. Ain't Nobody Got Time For Dat.
April 17, 2016

Most everyone agrees friends and family are important, but making time sometimes can seem impossible. What now?

Devotion: Church
April 10, 2016

The first place Jesus followers have always started in their devotion to God is not in the Bible, but with other believers.

Devotion Intro: What Now?
April 03, 2016

We've received God's free gift of salvation, what now? Ephesians 2:8-10

Conquering Death, Capturing Hearts
March 27, 2016

Why do we make a big deal of the resurrection?

Good Friday
March 27, 2016

Good Friday Service at New Vintage Bible Church

March 20, 2016

What makes something sacred or secular?

It's a trap!
January 24, 2016

Letting go of things you are holding onto. Genesis 42-44