To Be Completely Blunt

To Be Completely Blunt

To Be Completely Blunt - Ep. 2, Season 3: Chatting with "The Guru of Ganja" Ed Rosenthal

April 26, 2024

In this episode, we interviewed Ed Rosenthal. He is a true cannabis guru with knowledge and passion that has revolutionized the way we grow and understand cannabis. He gained his expertise through the years with hands on experiments and by collaborating with other cannabis enthusiasts throughout the world. He is a leading figure in the industry and the founder of the company, Quick Trading Publishing. He is dedicated to providing accessible and up-to-date resources for both commercial and hobby growers, including his latest release, the "Cannabis Grower's Handbook." In addition to his knowledge on growing - he's an advocate for sensible cannabis laws and uses his own experiences to push for change to empower others to cultivate their own plants without fear. 

Featuring special guest: Michael Jie-Shen Feng