Titans as Teens

Titans as Teens

Chafic Kazoun: CEO and Angel Investor

May 26, 2021

When I look at skills to stay ahead of the curve for the next 10, 20 years, I really think a lot about leadership. I think that is the one thing that if you’re really good at, you can get anywhere.Chafic Kazoun

When I began my conversation with Chafic Kazoun, I was not at all prepared for what was to come.

All I knew about Chafic were the things you would put on a resume. I knew he was a very prolific and intelligent angel Investor and entrepreneur, being the co-founder and CEO of B-Line Medical, as well as a gifted coder.

I had prepared all sorts of tech questions and the like, but when we began talking, I threw them all out. Chafic’s story is far more than your basic cut-and-dry entrepreneur. His upbringing in Beirut and approach to learning made our conversation much more intriguing than I could have hoped for.

Show Notes

* Chafic does a summary of his life so far, including growing up in the US and Lebanon* How he started computer programming at age 8 when there were very few computers where he grew up* What changes he would make to his career if he could* Friends and relationships are the most important thing* Attended 4 different high schools, over 14 schools in total* Growing up, grades were less important thank experiences* School provides foundational knowledge and discipline* How he’s change the education system if he could* In high school, going to work after class while helicopters strafed a building nearby* Setting goals and writing things down in a notebook* Learning from your mistakes* Defining success


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Links and Resources

Chafic Kazoun on LinkedIn, on TwitterO’Reilly publishing page B-Line MedicalLaerdal MedicalBASIC; Beginners’ All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction CodeLogo programming languageYPOEOBeirutLebanon civil warProfessor Frances X. Frei

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