Titans as Teens

Titans as Teens

Marc Weinstein: Investor and Podcaster

March 31, 2021

I would be lying if I said that I don’t go through times when I reflect on the past and think: What if what if I had done this differently? What if I had chosen that other path? But at the end of the day, that exercise is actually just a waste of energy. It’s the practice of fantasizing on a reality that doesn’t exist. And so I choose to channel that energy into the practice of creating a future that I desire. And appreciating the present that I have.Marc Weinstein

Marc Weinstein has an incredible story. He graduated from Wharton with a BSc in Economics and began investment banking.

In 2012, he left his job at Morgan Stanley to start an entrepreneurial adventure. Although his first company failed, it led him to purchase his first bitcoins in 2013. Then, through a client, he entered the live events industry and decided to start his second company, 90sFest. It was a live events platform catering to millennials that pioneered the convergence of experiential marketing with mass social media distribution.

90sFest sold to Scopus Media in 2017. It was at this time that he was hired to try to salvage the now-infamous Fyre Festival. Many who saw the Emmy-nominated Netflix documentary on Fyre have called him the “voice of reason.”

Marc later started the Look Up! Podcast in order to explore our shared humanity, raise awareness for issues that are at the forefront of the current paradigm shift in society, and to inspire collective action.

Show Notes

* Reflections on Fyre Festival* Biggest mistake that turned into a positive* Pain and regret in high school* Social proof* A story from high school summing up who he was at that time* Regimented high school vs. freedom of university* How Marc would change the education system* Hobbies* Yoga and meditation* What is success* An important characteristic everyone should have* How to teach young people compassion


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Links and Resources

Marc’s Look Up! podcastMarc on LinkedIn, MediumFyre, documentary of NetflixFyre Festival, WikipediaGo Steward Kapil Gupta and Naval RaviakantMarc’s article on Prescriptions, Social Proof and Covid-19Influence, by Robert CialdiniThe Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliYoga Chitta Vritti NirodhaVipassana meditationPranayama