Titans as Teens

Titans as Teens

Paul Ollinger: Comedian, Author & Podcaster

March 02, 2021

In 8th grade I was voted both “Most School Spirit” and “Biggest Complainer”. So, I have got this dichotomy working inside of me. I really do want to make where I am a better place. And at the same time, if something’s broken, I’m going to bitch and moan about it and tell some sarcastic jokes.Paul Ollinger

Paul Ollinger is a master of many trades as well as a generally knowledgeable person. He is a comedian, a podcast host, a businessperson, and the author of the book You Should Totally get an MBA: A Comedian’s Guide to Top US Business Schools.

Paul’s comedy prowess is not to be underestimated, his material is hilarious, and he finds creative ways to make his daily conversations humorous. Before he was a comedian, Paul worked at Facebook as the VP of sales for four years. His Podcast Crazy Money claims to exist in order to promote financial wisdom and better living through no-holds-barred conversations about the role of money in our lives. 

Paul is incredibly witty and knowledgeable; a conversation with him is never boring. When I spoke with Paul he held nothing back, being as honest as he could, revealing some incredible insights into his life and his philosophy. I spoke to him from his home in Atlanta.

Show Notes

* Paul summarizes his life in less than 1 minute* Obscure/ fun fact* One small change that would make his life better* Paul’s high school experience* Song from that time in his life* On relationships* School stereotypes and trying different things* Disappointing the parents* On succeeding as an adult* From Facebook to stand-up* Things he does to grow as a person* What is success* Master and making money* An important character trait everyone should have* If he had to teach kids how to be successful and forthright


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Links and Resources

Paul’s websitePaul’s book You Should Totally Get an MBA: A Comedian’s Guide to Top U.S. Business Schools on AmazonPaul’s podcast Crazy MoneyPaul on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTubeNaval Ravikant

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