Titans as Teens

Titans as Teens

Grant Sabatier: Author and Podcaster

February 17, 2021

I wish I could have just told my 16-year-old self – you know – chill out. Keep reading. Keep enjoying your life. Don’t stress out too much. You’re going to find your way. It’s going to be hard and it’s going to take time. It’s going to be messy, but that’s going to be the beautiful part of the journey.Grant Sabatier

Grant Sabatier is probably a name you probably unknowingly recognize if you’ve ever been down the financial reading rabbit hole.

Grant is the author of the incredible book Financial Freedom, an invaluable tome of knowledge and personal experience. The amazing thing about Grant is that he knows what he is talking about.

Grant’s story begins when he was 24 years old and had $2.24 in his bank account. Grant decided he needed to make a change in his life, and he began by reading every single book on finance he could find.

Over the course of 6 years, Grant read over 300 books on finance, meaning he read almost one a week! Using his knowledge and determination, he was able to pull himself up to becoming financially stable and then much, much, more than that. 

The best word I can find to describe him is inspiring. He’s the kind of person you could listen to for a few minutes and then want to completely change how you live your life. While speaking with him, I was so awestruck with what he was saying that I had a very hard time keeping conversation, and not just saying “wow”.

Show Notes

* About Grant’s podcast Millennial Money* About voicing his own audio book* High school in Nothern Virginia* Deep dives in the library and the Internet* Favorite part of a book is the bibliography* Books are alive* How to start thinking about what you want to become* About taking risks and staying curious* Putting fear in its place* What to do with the next 34 years* Levels of freedom* Stop and evaluate as you move through stages in life


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Links and Resources

Millennial Money websiteFinancial Freedom – book Financial Freedom – audio book on AudibleFinancial Freedom podcast Grant’s Wikipedia entryGrant on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, FacebookRich Dad Poor DadTim Ferris podcastNapoleon HillCarl Jung