Titans as Teens

Titans as Teens

Craig Sherman: Venture Capitalist

December 01, 2020

I get to meet the coolest, most courageous startup execs in the world. People who basically have some cool idea of how they want to change reality, bend it, and do what they want it to be….I get paid to do it. I should get I should pay them.Craig Sherman

Craig Sherman was one of the first people I ever talked to for the podcast, and one of the most fun and interesting. Craig seems like a normal guy from the outside; he is anything but.

Craig has made his business in investing, more specifically, venture capital. Before that however, Craig went to Saint Paul’s High school, then to Princeton University and graduated Magna Cum Laude.

Craig has an amazing story of how he grew to where he is today, of going to high school in Japan, and his many jobs after college.

After Craig found investing however, he never looked back. He has become an investor, board member, and CEO of an incredible number of businesses, including Zipcar, Roblox, and Survey Monkey. 

Currently Craig is lives in Atherton California with his wife and kids. He continues looking for amazing startups.

Show Notes

* Craig describes what he does as a venture capitalist.* From Encoded Genomics to Roblox.* “My work is my play.”* Meditation in the morning and in the evening and often in between.* Shifting high school so he could go to Japan as part of school.* Back in New Hampshire, college, and an unconventional path.* Defining success.


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Links and Resources

Craig’s page at Meritech CapitalCraig on LinkedInTwitter @craigdshermanRobloxPhantom Forces on RobloxGive and Take by Adam Grant

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