Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

The Three Refuges
January 10, 2016

Ajahn Viradhammo begins by explaining the Itipiso Chant, and how we practice with the Three Refuges. We are encouraged us to ask ourselves: What gives us strength? What it is we trust in?  And what can we ultimately rely on?

A New Year’s Talk: The Awakened Mind Allows and Accepts
January 03, 2016

Reflecting on being sick after returning from his pilgrimage to India, Ajahn Viradhammo recommends that we allow our experiences into awareness rather than trying to get somewhere or get something. If we understand the nature of changing conditions,

Non-attachment, Non-grasping, and Finding a Balance
December 27, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo begins his talk speaking about karma yoga (a life of service) and goes on to define what it means to let go of our attachments and grasping, finding balance in our lives both on and off the cushion.

The Genesis of Preoccupation
December 20, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about how we occupy the mind with various unwholesome objects (attaching to the 5 khandas) and how we can use skillful objects to notice this and let go of our attachments.

Non-Anticipation, Non-Becoming, and Non-Catastrophizing
December 13, 2015

Ajahn Vīradhammo explains how to live skilfully in the present moment. He explores our tendencies to "catastrophize" our experience and gives alternatives to anticipation (becoming), non-becoming, and sense desire (bhava tanha,

Letting Go and Developing
December 06, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo explores these two themes using precepts and practices to explain how we reflect wisely and learn how to let go and develop wisdom. Through the development of character and wholesome characteristics (paramitas),

Noticing Endings – Q & A
November 29, 2015

During this tea time question and answer session, Ajahn Viradhammo fields and answers questions about meditation practice from a variety of guests staying at Tisarana.

Right View: Accepting the Storm of Experience
November 22, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us to pay attention to the arising and ceasing of experience, being a witness to change rather than trying to get something better or remove something we don't want in our field of awareness. This leaves room for wisdom to arise.

The Myth of Sisyphus
November 15, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo employs a Buddhist interpretation of the myth of Sisyphus explaining how good kamma can result from engaging in wholesome behavior.

Skillful Intention, Attention, and Kamma
November 09, 2015

At yesterday's Kathina, Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how thinking conditions our experiences and how we have the ability to change our intentions towards skillful qualities within the mind. His themes revolve around intentionality,