Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

The Nature of Awareness Is Goodwill
November 06, 2016

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the Brahmaviharas and explains how metta, goodwill, can be directed towards any experience or perception we have, allowing even difficult formations of mind to be the way they are.

Awareness: The Key to the Transcendent
October 30, 2016

Ajahn Viradhammo explores how awareness is a quality that allows us to observe the body, feelings and other phenomena, but cannot be observed itself because it is transcendent and timeless. By applying awareness to our experience of suffering,

The Skill of Meditation
October 23, 2016

Luang Por Viradhammo speaks about how we can get the most from our meditation by developing it as a skill.… Read the rest

Intolerance to Nonconformity
October 16, 2016

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the skillful and unskillful elements of conformity and nonconformity, tolerance and intolerance. By examining how the three fetters operate and keep us bound to ignorance, craving, and attachment,

The Conceit of Thought and the Opening of the Heart
October 09, 2016

Thinking often leads to unskillfulness, but the heart leads to generosity, gratitude, joy and compassion.  Ajahn Viradhammo encourages us to follow the heart.… Read the rest

The Island Is Not Thought
October 09, 2016

At an Ottawa day of Mindfulness, Ajahn Viradhammo offers a short talk and reviews again the quote from the Saṁyutta Nikāya on Nibbāna. He explains preoccupation and how we wake up to the present moment without being the thinker.… Read the rest

Choosing a Skillful Model
October 09, 2016

In this answer to a question about handling suffering, Ajahn Virahdammo speaks about the importance of staying with a skillful model of practice that relieves suffering rather than mixing models which can cause confusion. Ultimately,

Is Harmony Reliable? (Partial Talk)
October 02, 2016

This is the last 20 minutes of a talk given by Ajahn Vīradhammo. He speaks about harmony and what it is we can rely on and answers questions about stillness and observing objects of beauty.… Read the rest

Coming Home: A Guided Meditation
October 02, 2016

Ajahn Viradhammo offers a short reflection, the first of four reflections from a Day of Mindfulness in Ottawa. He explains how he returns to his center, the present moment and reads from a Saṁyutta NIkāya Sutta describing NIbbāna.

The Unformed, the Unconditioned, the End
September 18, 2016

At an Ottawa Day of Mindfulness, Ajahn Viradhammo explores the nature of the unconditioned using a quote from the Saṁyutta Nikāya, verse 43.1-44. He then goes on to answer questions from the group.… Read the rest