Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Bhikkhu Ordination of Amarasiri & Sirimedho – Part 1: Introduction & Parittas
October 12, 2018

On September 16, 2016 at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Amarasiri and Venerable Sirimedho took Bhikkhu Ordination (Upasampadā) under Luang Por Vīradhammo as Preceptor, and Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Khemako as Chanting Ācariyas.

All Salads Taste the Same
October 12, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions from Tisarana’s resident community at tea time. He compares the need for jhana and the role of samma samadhi, the difference between ultimate reality and present moment awareness,

Awakening the Mind with Metta
October 05, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo has tea with the community and reflects the true quality of Theravada Buddhism: “Reflective as opposed to an absolute teaching”. Furthermore, he goes on to give another perspective of Metta which can sometimes be wrongly described as “...

Sound and Awareness
October 05, 2018

In this guided meditation, Ajahn Viradhammo invites us to open up to the sound around us. Notice how the sound changes, but the awareness behind the sound is unchanging. Then move attention to the body as a whole,

Do Monks Cry?
September 28, 2018

During tea with Ajahn Amaro, someone asked if monks cry. This lead to a discussion, with Ajahn Amaro drawing from his own personal experiences. He reflects how monks, or even enlightened beings, can experience emotions such as sadness or irritation,

A Disfactory Clockwork
September 28, 2018

Tan Khemako explains in detail the measure of dukkha in our daily life. Starting by showing how the mind feels pain and where it can lead, he encourages us to explore the very feelings of dissatisfaction. Seeing their causes and learning how to release...

Chocolate Cake and Death
September 21, 2018

After a prompt from the audience, Tan Khemako takes us through the steps of dependent origination, showing how its understanding can lead to freedom from suffering. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 9 December 2017. Duration 41:09)… Read the rest

The Five Niyamas
September 21, 2018

Ajahn Pavaro explores the topic of the five niyama or laws of Nature in the Buddha’s teaching and how they relate to our direct experience of reality. Understanding these principles, we can find ourselves in different situations: good or bad,

The Ten Perfections
September 14, 2018

Ajahn Pavaro talks about the ten paramis that were praised and extolled by the Buddha. He explains how their practise and cultivation help to strengthen our practise and point us in the direction of liberation.

Two Interpretations of Dependent Origination
September 14, 2018

Tan Khemako answers questions from the lay community at Tisarana on the subject of dependent origination. He contrasts the three lifetime and single lifetime versions from the commentary, and explains how to develop awareness so as to break this cycle ...