Tiny Town Library Podcast

Latest Episodes
Mask Up Mont Vernon- Episode 9
We’re back in fancy masks, following socially distancing rules, and recording outside in the garden at the library! Join us to catch up on the affects of COVID on our community and what’s happening at the library in Tiny Town.
Episode 8: Be Well Mont Vernon
Special Episode: No sooner had Town meeting adjourned, then COVID-19 swept into the US and quickly changed all of our lives. In a matter of weeks, the library went from a thriving community gathering place to "closed indefinitely".
Episode 7- March into Town Meeting
March has arrived and the first day of spring is almost here! But first, Town Meeting. Save the date for Wednesday, March 11th at 7:00 PM. Town meeting in n New England is a 400 year old tradition... pure democracy in action!
Episode 6- Love Your Library
It's February and love is in the air! Join us for an episode with lovely news and love stories from around tiny town. We'll chat about some recent literary controversy, books we love, and with an interview Mont Vernon Village School PTA.
Episode 5- New Year, New Library
Happy New Year! Great Progress was made in 2019 towards the goal of a new library for the town of Mont Vernon. Library trustees Cindy Raspiller, Jane King, and Jill Weber join us as we catch up on the project and talk about next steps for 2020.
Episode 4- Season’s Greetings from the Library
The holidays are upon us here at the library and we couldn't be more excited. Tune in to hear all the holiday happenings around Tiny Town, take notes on our Best of 2019 book recommendations, and learn how you can help your neighbors this season from t...
Episode 3- Thankful For Mont Vernon
We have so many things to be thankful for this year in our community. Open your calendars and get ready to "save the date" on multiple events happening in November and early December. Podcast includes town news, community updates,
Episode 2: Witch Way to the Library
October is a particularly beautiful month in New England and we can't wait to celebrate Halloween at the end of the month. Tiny Town pulls out all of the stops to make Trick-or-Treat one of the best nights of the year. Watch out for witches!
Tiny Town Library Podcast: Episode 1
September is back to school time. Find out what’s happening around tiny town and at the library in September. Join us for an interview with special guest, Howard Brown beloved school bus driver. A slice of life in a small New England town as reported ...
Back to School, Back to the Library
September is back to school time. Find out what's happening around tiny town and at the library in September. Join us for an interview with special guest, Howard Brown beloved school bus driver.