The Scottie Show: Time to Get Your Ducks in a Row
The A, B, C and D’s of Medicare (Ep. 17)
Have you planned your healthcare coverage for after you’re retired?
Whether you have yet to retire or are retired already, it’s important to know your options so you can choose a Medicare Plan that fits your needs and makes the most sense for you.
In this episode, Scott Leonardi reveals what you need to know about medicare and choosing your healthcare plan for retirement.
Scott discusses:
- How Medicare is designed and what it covers
- Differences between parts A, B, C and D including their costs
- Plan options available to you
- Penalties and how they can affect you
- And more
- to get a free copy of his book or book a phone conversation
Connect With Scott Leonardi:
- (937)898-2273
- Complete Solutions Inc.
- LinkedIn: Scott Leonardi
- LinkedIn: Complete Solutions Inc.
- Facebook: Complete Solutions Inc.
- Twitter: Scott Leonardi