Time to Feel

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3 Signs Your Childhood Was Codependent
Welcome everybody to another episode of Time to Feel. In case you dont know who I am, my name is Holly Souli. I am an emotional health mentor and the owner of the Emotional Health Shop on Etsy. Toda
Why It’s Hard to Grieve Toxic People
Welcome to the second season of Time to Feel. In case you dont know who I my name is Holly Souli. I am an emotional health mentor and owner of the Emotional Health Shop on Etsy. So I want to say t
10 Common Emotions and How to Recognize Them
This is Time to Feel, Episode number 8. Hey everyone, Im Holly Soulie. Welcome to another episode of Time to Feel. Today were going to talk about some of the common emotions you might feel, and how
How to Stop Trying to Get Everyone to Like You
Episode Transcript Time to Feel, Episode 7 How to Stop Trying to Get Everyone to Like You Hey everyone! Welcome to another episode of Time of Feel. Im your hostess, Holly Soulie, and today, were goi
How I Healed My Codependency
Episode Transcript Hey everyone! Welcome to another episode of Time of Feel. Im your hostess, Holly Soulie, and today, were going to talk about overcoming codependency. When you find out youre code
How to Start Trusting Yourself
Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of Time to Feel. Its been a little while since our last episode. Ive had some intense months recently. I unfortunately lost my dad around Thanksgiving and ha
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
Hey everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Time to Feel. I took some time off from podcasting to recharge my batteries and enjoy the summer. One of the things Ive had to focus on during the pan
Time to Feel, Episode 3: How to Stand Up for Yourself
https://hollysoulie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Time-to-Feel-Episode-3-Holly-Soulie.mp3 Episode Transcript I recently got a question from a listener: ‘how can you start standing up for yourself? I have such a hard time doing it because I don’t wan...
Time to Feel, Episode 2: How to Process Your Emotions
Episode Transcript Hey friends, welcome to the second episode of Time to Feel. Im your hostess, Holly Souli. And today were going to talk about how to process your emotions in 3 steps. Before we di
Time to Feel, Episode 1: How to Stop Hating Your Emotions
Episode Transcript Hey friends and welcome to the very first episode of Time to Feel, a podcast to increase your emotional health. Im your hostess Holly Souli. And today were going to talk about ho